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Monday, July 9, 2012

Stay Connected with our Lord Jesus ( Rev Yong )

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

TGIF : Gideon's Staff - June 13

Gideon's Staff
June 13

"With the tip of the staff that was in his hand, the angel of the LORD touched the meat and the unleavened bread" (Judg 6:21).
Gideon was a farmer who threshed wheat for a living using a staff. This was commonly used in his day to beat out fitches and cummin (Isa 28:27), but now it was being used for wheat.
He was busy doing his work when an angel of God appeared to him. The angel told him that he was going to be used to deliver the people of Israel from the Midianites who had been ravaging their land and crops for seven years. God was calling Gideon to do a new type of threshing. Instead of threshing wheat, he was being called to thresh the Midianites.
God often calls men and women when they are in the middle of their workplace activities. Like Moses, Gideon received this word from God with reluctance and feelings of insecurity, citing that his family was of no stature to accomplish such a task. Nevertheless, God addressed Gideon as a "mighty warrior" (Judges 6:12).
God often sees us for what we will become, not what we think we are. Once Gideon determines through a series of fleeces that it truly is God speaking to him he does an interesting thing. He prepares an offering to the Lord of meat and bread. Once this offering is prepared, the angel uses the tip of his staff to consume the offering. Here God uses another symbol of his work to consummate a partnership to accomplish one of God's purposes in the nation of Israel. This time the staff is used to receive the offering presented to the Lord by touching the offering with the tip of his staff. God used the symbol of his work to ignite the fire that consumed the offering.
Be watchful for times when God orchestrates events during the commonplace activity of work. He may be orchestrating something through you for His purposes

Sunday, May 20, 2012

MarketPlace Inspiration, check out at the godmarket blog !~

Following God's Movement In The Market: Inspiration Of The Week , Be Wise: 21st May 2012 : Be wise Everyone have their own way of seeking wisdom. But there is only one way to seek God's wisdom. Everyone h...

Inspiration Of The Week , Be Wise

21st May 2012 : Be wise

Everyone have their own way of seeking wisdom. But there is only one way to seek God's wisdom.

Everyone has different opinions about Wisdom, thus leads to different ways in finding it. What is Wisdom, ? Why do we need Wisdom and lastly How can I get Wisdom.

Job 12 : 13~ “To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.
  • What is Wisdom ?
 Knowing the nature of wisdom is very important before you can obtain wisdom. To many of us, we define Wisdom as gifts, talents, knowledge , understanding . These definitions are true but its the after results of Wisdom. When you had Wisdom, you will have gifts, talents, knowledge and understanding. 

What is Wisdom? In the Bible, it mentions that fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Wisdom is the knowledge of knowing what pleases God and what displeases God.

Psalms 111 : 10 ~ The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

Let's take Cain and Abel as an examples. Cain and Abel are brothers, they both work in different markets . Cain is a farmer and Abel is a shepherd. From the Bible, we can see that Abel is a much successful investor than Cain , because he made the right sacrifice. 

Cain and Abel were the first to make sacrifices, there are no law to state which animals can be used for sacrifices. Thus, how did Abel know what is the right thing to do ? That is called Wisdom.

  • Why do we need Wisdom

Wisdom plays a very important role in our lives. From the book of Proverbs, it mentioned a lot of the importance and the benefits of gaining Wisdom. Here are a few reasons of needing Wisdom.

One : Wisdom solves problems in our lives.

Jesus specifically pointed out that one blind man can't lead another blind or they will fall into the pit. Wisdom opens our eyes, not only our spiritual eyes but also our earthly eyes to see things that are hidden behind . Wisdom helps us to solve unseen problems. 

Two : Wisdom builds a channel to receive God's blessings.

Wisdom brings down God's abundant blessings in our lives. When Jesus came and visit Mary , Martha and Lazarus. Martha was busy cooking in the kitchen and Mary was sitting there listening to Jesus. Surprisingly, Mary chose the better blessing than Martha. Why? Because she had the wisdom to foresee the importance of listening to God's words.

Many times, we found God's blessings walk past us because we didn't had the wisdom to discover it. Like Martha, she didn't see there are blessings that are better . Are you like Martha letting God's blessings slipping away ?

Three : Wisdom brings down divine revelation

Wisdom reveals to us God's movement in the market. We need Wisdom to be engaged in God's movement .Daniel and Joseph are an example of having wisdom revelation . Joseph solved Pharaoh's dream . Daniel solved the visions of King of Babylon . Therefore, we need wisdom to understand God's movement and his will in the market.

How can I gain Wisdom ?

Wisdom is very important in our lives. It helps us to discern what is right , helps us to get through obstacles in our lives. How can I gain Wisdom ?

One : Wisdom acts coordinately with Faith. 
Wisdom is not gaining knowledge or experiences from past failures. There is only one way to gain Wisdom, is by your encounters with God. The more encounters you had, the more wisdom you gain.

Like Joseph. He is outstanding among his 11 brothers. However , his wisdom only gains when he went through the slavery years in Egypt, because that's when he had the most encounters with God.

Two : Wisdom brings humility.
If you search throughout the Bible, you will discover that every wise men are humble men. Wisdom brings humility , because humility is a character of God. When you gain wisdom, wisdom will transform you to be more Christ-like.

Third : Wisdom comes from the word. 
The Bible provides an ultimate source of Wisdom. Every word of wisdom from the world only gains our understanding, only the word of God gains wisdom . As you know more of God's word and apply it to your life, your wisdom will grow day by day.

Fourth : Wisdom is based on your relationship with Christ. 
How deep is your relationship with Christ ? Your relationship needs to stay active to God , and HE is willing to let you know more of his next move in your industry , in your market . 

Wisdom is a choice. Make the right choice . Be Wise !

God bless !


Monday, May 7, 2012






今生投资者是没有考虑未来,活在当下,把所有的一切投资在这个世界所能给赚取的东西,好比: 名誉 , 更多的财富。



你若调整你的心,你的投资的眼光,你调整了你生命中的次序 , 你已做了那正确的投资。




The true investment

Is this a true investment ? 

 Matthew 6 : 19-21
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

What is a true investment to you ? I believe a true investment is an investment that does not suffer losses , brings contentment and achievement . 

We are all investors in the marketplace. We invest our time, our wealth , our skills , our resources in our job, in our industry .Everyone hoped that our investments earned profits .

There are two groups of investors in the marketplace and they are the " Future Investors " and the "Current investors ".

Who are the current investors ? The current investors invest all they had to earn back everything belong to this world , such as more wealth and fame . However, they are not prepared for their future.

In Matthew 6 : 19-21 , Jesus taught us how to do the right investment. The right investment is to invest what you have of this world to earn rewards belong to the future. As a Christian entrepreneur or worker have you ever thought of your future investment.

Any investment made to this world will vanished, you will leave this world empty-handed like how you came. Yet, there is a better marketplace, and you will not be empty-handed if you have made your future investment .

How can I prepare for my future investment ? What are you working for? If you are working for this world , you are a current investor. If you work for God , you earn money to glorify God , you work to be a testimony of Christ not to be an example of man . 

You must know where your heart belongs. If your heart is set right , your priority is set right, you had made your future investment.

God is moving and is working in the marketplace. He is seeking for those true and smart investors to use them for HIS glory. Can you see his hand moving in your workplace ? 

Be a smart investor , act smart , invest smart !

God bless !